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Keynote Speakers

Professor Jin FU 傅謹
The Myths and Resistance to the Modernization of Chinese Operas in the 20th Century



Jin Fu , born in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province in1956. Doctor of Literature, Professor of the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts, pluralistic researcher of Institute of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sun Yatsen University, advisor for Ph.D. candidates of China Academy of Art. His academic works include The Modernization and Localization of Chinese Theater, Introduction to Chinese Theater in the 20th Century, History of Chinese Theater, Treatise on Art of Chinese Theater, etc. 

Professor Octavian SAIU
Beyond Diplomacy, Against Commodification: Chinese Theatre and Cultural Identity in the Global Public Sphere

Octavian Saiu is a scholar and professional theatre critic, with a PhD in Theatre Studies and another one in Comparative Literature. He completed his Post-Doctoral Research in British Literature (Modernism) and has been awarded his Habilitation in Theatre and Performing Arts. He teaches in the Theatre Studies Department of NUTF, the Doctoral School of ‘Lucian Blaga’ University, Sibiu and the Centre of Excellence in Visual Studies of the University of Bucharest. He was Visiting Fellow at the University of London, School of Advanced Study, and is Visiting Professor at universities in Tokyo and Lisbon. He has offered Master Classes at other universities in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, as well as the Grotowski Institute.  He has been actively involved in academic conferences and theatre events around the world, including the Theatre Olympics and Edinburgh International Festival. Since 2004 he has been Chair of the Conferences of Sibiu International Theatre Festival. Also, he is a collaborator of Wuzhen Theatre Festival and a Founding Member of the International Theatre Town Alliance in Shengzhou. He is Adjunct Secretary General of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) and President of the Romanian Section – Theatre Studies of IATC. He has published articles in several international journals, as well as ten books on theatre. He received the Critics’ Award in 2010 and the Award of the Union of Theatre Artists (UNITER) in 2013. His most recent publication in English is the monograph, Hamlet and the Madness of the World.

Professor Jessica Tsui-yan LI 李翠恩
The Transcultural Poetics in Yasi’s Works

Jessica Tsui-yan Li teaches Chinese literature, film, drama and culture at York University. She is President of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association, and an International Editorial Board Member in the Springer book series on “Digital Culture and Humanities Series: Challenges and Developments in a Globalized Asia,” launched by the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH) at the Open University of Hong Kong. She has published on the topics of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, Chinese Canadian and American literature, film and drama, translation studies, gender studies, and Hong Kong studies. She is the guest editor of the Special Issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée on “Engaging Communities in Comparative Literature.” June 2017, and on "Garnering Diversities in Comparative Literature." June 2018. Her articles have also appeared in the refereed journals, Neohelicon; Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Dang’an Chunqiu (Memories and Archives, Shanghai); and in books such as, Ibsen and the Modern SelfGender, Discourse and the Self in Literature: Issues in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong KongAsia: Local and Global Perspectives; and Romancing Eileen Chang. She is the editor of a forthcoming book entitled, Transcultural Negotiation: Chinese Canadian Identities (contract with McGill-Queen’s University Press). She is currently working on a monograph on the self-translation of Eileen Chang.

Professor Monika GAENSSBAUER 甘默霓
Globalization and the "Floating City" - Hong Kong Literature in Translation

Monika Gaenssbauer studied Chinese literature and political science in Erlangen, Bochum and Beijing. From 1990-1992 she was given a scholarship by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to pursue her studies at Renmin University, Beijing. From 1994-1996 she did her PhD in Chinese Studies at Bochum University with a focus on language and literature. From 1996-2009. She was head of the China Study Project in Hamburg and lecturer at the Universities of Hamburg and Freiburg i.Br. In the academic year 2008-2009 she was invited as a visiting professor to the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Freiburg i.Br. In 2008 she earned her post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) in Chinese Studies at the University of Erlangen. From 2009-2015 she served as Deputy Chair of Chinese Studies at the University of Erlangen. From 2015-2016 she had a scholarship at the International Consortium on Research in the Humanities (IKGF), University of Erlangen. In 2016 she was appointed Associate Professor (apl. Professor) for Chinese Studies at the University of Erlangen. During the years 2014-2017 she was Honorary Professor of Translation Studies at The Open University of Hong Kong. From 2015 on she has been serving as a member of the "LaboraTorio sulla Traduzione delle Lingue Orientali", a research group on translation at the Universita Ca'Foscari, Venice. She is co-editor of the scholarly book series "edition cathay", project publishing house, Bochum-Freiburg. Since June 2017 she is Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at Stockholm University.

Professor Daphne LEI雷碧瑋
China without Opera: the Predicament of Imagining Millennial Chinese Aesthetics and Performativity

Daphne Lei is Professor & Head of Doctoral Studies in Department of Drama, University of California, Irvine. Her intellectual interests and expertise include Chinese opera, Asian American theatre, intercultural performance, transnational and diasporic studies. She focuses on intercultural exchanges along the Pacific Rim, especially interactions between Asians and Asian Americans and negotiations between Asian and non-Asian cultures. She is the author of many articles and three books: Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific (Palgrave, 2006), Alternative Chinese Opera in the Age of Globalization: Performing Zero (Palgrave, 2011), and Uncrossing the Borders: Performing Chinese in Gendered (Trans)Nationalism (University of Michigan Press, forthcoming). As an advocate for diversity and interculturalism, Daphne Lei founded Multicultural Spring (2007-present), a program that integrates multicultural and interdisciplinary performance, and Theatre Woks (2015-present), an Asian American theatre group. She has just completed her three-year term as the president of American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) (2015-2018).

 Website :

Professor Jon Eugene von Kowallis 寇致銘
Takeuchi’s Lu Xun / China’s Takeuchi

Jon Eugene von Kowallis is Chair Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, where he founded and has taught courses on both modern and classical Chinese language and literature; Chinese Poetry and Poetics: Theories of Translation; the history of Chinese Cinema; Orientalism; and Translating the Epistolary Genre. The Chinese program at UNSW has the largest student enrolments of any Chinese program in Australia, with over 1200 students enrolled in the many and diverse, discipline-based undergraduate courses offered on Chinese language and culture. Jon began the study of Chinese literature under C.T. Hsia 夏志清at Columbia University for the BA, continuing at National Taiwan University and Hawaii (as a fellow of the East-West Center), at Peking University and the University of California, Berkeley, where he completed his PhD thesis under Cyril Birch. He taught at Berkeley, UCLA, Oregon, Williams, Prague and the University of Melbourne before moving to UNSW. Monographs include: The Lyrical Lu Xun: a Study of his Classical-style Poetry and The Subtle Revolution: Poets of the ‘Old Schools’ during Late Qing and Early Republican China. He is currently completing an ARC Discovery project on the formation of Lu Xun’s early thought during his Lerhjahre in Japan. He has also published on Taiwan and Hong Kong film and translated pre-modern Chinese humor. Jon writes in Chinese as well as English; his articles have appeared in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan (Lu Xun Research Monthly), Shanghai Lu Xun Yanjiu (Shanghai Lu Xun Research), Wen yu Zhe (Literature and Philosophy) and other prominent Chinese-language journals. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society (London) and serves as President of the Oriental Society of Australia, the nation’s oldest professional organization for Asianists.

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